Celebrating Half a Century Times Five

Darla Best, Paul Varnum, and Rhonda Giebelstein

Marty and Julie Sankey

What do we all have in common? We were born about fifty (!) years ago. What do we also have in common? We all like a good party. Put those two things together and what do you get? A massive 50 times five birthday party!

When: Saturday, 2/20/10 from 5:00 PM until 9:00 PM.
Where: DG's Tap House, 125 Main St, above Corner Pocket (map). There is an outside staircase east of Great Plains. There is another staircase inside the Corner Pocket.
What: Beer and food provided.
What else: No gifts, and have fun!
One more what else: A band will start at 10 PM when $10 cover will be charged. It might be fun, but it'll probably be too loud, because remember, we're old.

Feel free to leave comments if you are coming, or even if you're not.

Questions or concerns? Ask one of us!


  1. We'll be there. Thanks for the invitation! Dennis and Ellen

  2. Wow! Just fifty, I can still remember that year. I will plan to come celebrate with you unless my kids come to town. Happy 50th!

  3. I plan to celebrate with you all...I'm a few years behind you. Julie

  4. We will be there, how could we pass this up? You know none of you look 50!! Keep up the good work!

  5. You're the best looking one of the bunch, Darla!! Sorry we can't come. We will have some friends from Chicago at our house that week end. Have a great pary.
    Happy BD. Dave and Carolyn

  6. What?!!? Another party???!! Of course we will be there! Bill and Kirsten

  7. Hope you all have a blast; I can't be there but hopefully Bob gets there if he doesn't get slated to bowl in the City tournament. Happy Birthday Darla!

  8. Marty's fifty? Last time I saw him he was golfing. Seemed much older.

  9. Looking forward to celebrating with you, Darla and all of your friends!
    Darwin & Jolene

  10. Catching a quick flight up there to help Darla celebrate. Can't wait to see you little sister.

  11. Count the Mulder's in. See you all Sat.


  12. Happy 50 to you all! Hope to make it. I'm right behind you.
